Saturday, 16 June 2018

Lovecraft and Bugs

Roachville. Marianne Germain.

A spectacular hallucination of horror, intrigue and suspense. On the surface, this book is a social document outlining the boredom and tedious life of a young woman, BUT, not for long. As soon as the story cranks up, peculiar and enthralling events send poor little Annika Roy into a conundrum she hadn’t anticipated.

So what? It’s nothing a little mild drug use can’t solve!

The thing I love about this book (and I do LOVE it) is that the whole thing is just so damn cool. The characters are all as relatable as they are awesome, and even the life threatening situation that swallows the terrified young crew somehow leaves the reader jealous; you’ll wish you were inside the narrative.

Marianne Germain (the author) is a professional translator and she says she originally began her novel to create a massive text that she could later translate. Now that the work is finished and she’s spent countless hours editing in English, she’s on a mission to transform the awesome action, suspense and drama into French. I wish I were bilingual, so I could enjoy the whole thing again!

Style: The confident and flowing style of Marianne Germain is an absolute treat.

Suspense: There is no way to put this book down, trust me.

Mystery: It’s a whole lot of fun trying to figure the ending out before the final twists.

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