Thursday, 15 March 2018

When the truth is accidentally exposed.

Where is Andy?

Accidental Exposure, by Daniel Norrish.

Brian and Annette are plunged into crippling terror as they peel their battered bodies away from a devastating car accident only to realise their son is missing. Andy wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, and the police can’t find him amidst the cacophony of sirens and the washing of red and blue emergency lights.
In the aftermath, the family must learn to cope with the lasting physical and psychological effects of the crippling smash. In the days, weeks and months following the initial incident, Brian and Annette will be forced to struggle against the violent changes all around them, but do they really know anything about the strangers they’re inviting into their lives?

Watch as every personality in this twisted tale becomes someone entirely unique before the final gunshots. Can the characters adapt quickly enough to save Andy’s life?

To add a little extra enjoyment to the story, this publication contains two versions of the same narrative, each written from a different perspective. Choose to follow Brian as he sinks into the dark world of Sydney’s underground or chase Annette as she battles to locate her stolen child.

What will happen when the truth is accidentally exposed?

Only $0.99! Find it here: ACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE

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